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Handle the pressure

Fresh Concrete Pressure and Pour Speed Calculator

MEVA has developed this online calculation tool that allows easy calculations for how much pressure fresh concrete will exert on vertical formwork (or formwork tilted up to 5 degrees). This allows you to design and use formwork with a load-bearing capacity powerful enough to handle the fresh concrete pressure. 

This calculator does not comply with American Concrete Institute (ACI) guidelines. Contact your MEVA representative for guidance in your territory.

Reshoring calculations, it’s all in hand

What support is needed for which slab? MEVA’s online calculation tool will give you the answer as soon as you have entered the required data. You will immediately know how many props are required per m² of slab. The tool also takes into consideration the dead load and the working load during construction as well as different prop categories according to European standard DIN EN 1065. 

This calculator does not comply with American Concrete Institute (ACI) guidelines. Contact your MEVA representative for guidance in your territory.


A simulated image of a 3D formwork design coming out of an ipad screen to show the functions of the MEVA me app

Changing perceptions

The MEVA me app offers a formwork experience in a new dimension and serves as MEVA’s central digital platform. With MEVA me, all information about products, services, digital tools and much more can be viewed from anywhere. Intelligent, innovative and informative, MEVA me keeps you up-to-date with the entire MEVA world for smartphones.

Whether it’s a high-rise project, wall or slab formwork, all details can be discovered and digitally experienced live in action via 3D or augmented reality.

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