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Het museum van de toekomst

BAM Higgs & Hill LLC, Dubai

Het “Museum of the Future” in Dubai wordt niet zelden een van de meest complexe gebouwen ter wereld genoemd vanwege zijn ongewone verticale torusvorm en labyrintische interieur.

The target

An innovative building for the inventors of tomorrow
The aim was to create an architecturally exceptional innovative building as a center for start-ups and large technology companies. They must be able to optimally present and test their latest developments here.

The project

The huge oval rises 78 m into the air and consists of seven floors on a three-storey platform, with each floor varying in height. Critical to its success was careful planning, the use of BIM to create a three-dimensional rendering and a range of flexible formwork solutions to create the curved structure of this futuristic museum.

The curved shape of the museum presented a huge challenge to the contractors due to the differences in geometry both above and below ground.

Het nauwkeurige 3D model bleek een enorm voordeel te zijn. Het stelde ons in staat om de complexe eisen die aan de bekistingssystemen werden gesteld efficiënt te plannen.

Sam Thomas, bouwkundig ingenieur bij MEVA-KHK


  1. Careful planning and innovative construction techniques
    The most important phase of this project was undoubtedly the planning. BAM Higgs & Hill LLC used parametric design and Building Information Modeling (BIM) methods to create a three-dimensional representation of the various construction phases.

    a) In the parametric planning…
    different parameters and their mutual relationships are defined. For this building, this meant fine-tuning the shape of the building, removing particularly complex curvatures that could have a negative impact on the construction process.

    Parametric design was also used to create the steel structure. This intricate latticework of diagonal steel girders required improvement to ensure results such as uniform girder diameter, optimum amount of steel and minimal connection points. To achieve this, the structural engineers at BuroHappold Engineering have developed their own algorithms.

    b) BIM
    methods were used to visualize and thoroughly plan the final building… in 3D. This allowed collisions between different fields, such as mechanical, electrical and plumbing systems, to be detected and prevented at an early stage. wrote their own algorithms.

    De bekistingen van MEVA zijn makkelijk te hanteren. Wij vonden de betonresultaten die met de MevaDec werden bereikt bijzonder indrukwekkend.

    Seamus O’Sullivan, BAM hoofduitvoerder

  2. Precision in progress
    a) A winding-hallway basement built in record time
    The Museum of the Future’s winding-hallway basement is significantly smaller than the floors above it and has no rounded walls or sloping ceilings.

    The walls could be formed accurately with the 3.50 m high elements of the Mammut 350 wall formwork. The climbing speed played no role thanks to the possible concrete pressure absorption of 100 kN/m². Regardless of the concrete composition and consistency of the concrete, the weather and the temperature, the walls could therefore be poured quickly.

    After demoulding, the exterior walls of the basement were held in place with the Plywood angled brace to secure them while backfilling the workspace.

    b) Precise shape and simple handles for perfect curves
    Many of the later exhibitions will be on the first three floors of the building. These are divided into two parts by a curved central aisle.

    With the round formwork Radius , the curvature of these walls could be adjusted to the nearest millimetre. The elastically deformable 6 mm thick steel formwork plate adapts flexibly to the construction from a radius of 250 cm. After only two pouring phases, the approximately 7 m high walls of the entrance area could be completed with 3.50 m high formwork elements. No additional attachments were required to fit the round formwork with the elements of the Mammut 350to connect. Formwork locks connect the two systems in a positive and form-fitting manner.

    In addition, sharp corners could also be created in this way by making a connection with a fitting piece and Uni formwork locks.


    c) Flexible support arrangement to minimize
    infills Despite the curves and different angles of this modern architecture, the MevaDec system floor formwork also adapted to the geometry of the building. Main and intermediate carriers can be used independently of the grid, minimizing justifications.

    The patented MevaDec drop head also enables early demoulding, which contributes to less material stock and guarantees rapid construction progress.

    In some parts of the building, sloping floors connect the floors. These parts were planned in advance by MEVA and calculations were made for a simple solution with floor formwork MevaFlex . The 30 cm thick floors of the third floor are also slightly sloping and must also be covered with grass. This creates a hill that covers the first three upper floors.


    d) Guided climbing under exceptional conditions
    The core of the building is formed with the guided MEVA climbing system MGC and Mammut 350 at dumping heights of 3.50 m. First the MGC system was pre-assembled on the ground to save time and then with guide rails on the building attached. It remains firmly anchored there during the construction and lifting phase.

The result

While this innovative and unique project proved challenging, it is also a shining example of the power and precision that digital technologies can bring to the construction industry – a fitting tribute to a building dominated by futuristic innovation.

Een uitdaging bij dit project was het aanbrengen van uitsparingen op onregelmatige afstanden, omdat de verdiepingshoogten soms variëren waar bij het klimmen rekening mee moest worden gehouden.

Sam Thomas, bouwkundig ingenieur bij MEVA-KHK

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