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The all new EcoFix is now in the Philippines

As MEVA continues its journey of innovation, we are proud to announce that the all-new EcoFix is now in the Philippines.

Starting from our trials with our dedicated and skilled team, to our roadshow in Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao Region, we are excited to share this one-of-a-kind system to our valued partners.


EcoFix is the ideal solution for residential schemes, commercial projects, infrastructure and civil engineering projects. As it is a hand-set steel formwork with multipurpose panel, it is easy to assemble, easy to handle, cost-effective, flexible, and crane independent.

EcoFix solves the problem of dealing with a variety of column and wall dimensions across projects due to the multipurpose nature of its panels. It is lightweight, hence labor friendly and offers both, birch plywood and alkus as facing options to deliver a consistently superior concrete finish.


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