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Climbing Formwork

KLK 230

Multifunctional climbing system with working and pouring platform

Automatic, precise, quick and safe

Safety and speedy construction are the priorities when erecting very tall buildings. MEVA offers ideal solutions ranging from classic climbing to automatic climbing systems for all high-rise construction projects ensuring efficient and quick climbing, even under challenging conditions.

KLK 230 is an efficient and economical climbing system that can be adapted to different building structures. It is firmly attached to the wall formwork to form a craneable climbing unit and can be adapted to suit the building – even polygonal layouts.

It also serves as a barrier-free working platform.

It’s available with a slide carriage to perform forming and boxout work. A wide and comfortable platform provides all the technical advantages of large-area formwork irrespective of the height of the building, with the same level of safety as at ground level.

The high load-bearing capacity of the brackets make very large climbing units possible.


Got a specific enquiry about KLK 230?
Why not call our team on +632 917 7370

Safe and flexible

Formwork height up to 7.25m

Loading of the KLK platform up to 6kN/m² (DIN 4420)

Climbing system with formwork support

  • Quick and safe attachment of the formwork with MEVA assembly lock

Working platform with 2.30m depth

  • Safe and comfortable work at all heights

Climbing system with formwork clamping fixture

  • Formwork can be tilted back to simplify stripping
  • Formwork clamping fixture enables slide carriage

Climbing system with slide carriage

  • Simple relocation of the formwork
  • Comfortable working area for formwork ­s­­et-up and boxout work
  • Barrier-free work
  • Climbing system and formwork can be ­relocated as a single unit

Side protection net on handrail

  • Protects against falling objects

KLK Climbing scaffold being craned over bridge

Safe working at great heights
KLK 230 is ideal for use as:

  • climbing formwork and a working platform for rebar
  • formwork set-up
  • concrete-pouring work follow-up work, supplemented with a trailing platform
  • double-sided wall formwork

For more detailed technical information please refer to the download tab which contains PDF information about this product.


Technical Information

Load Capacity: 6kN/m² (DIN 4420).


Formwork up to 7.25m.

Formwork Adjustment

Vertical Adjustment of formwork 23cm.


Formwork travel distance of 2.3m.


Working Platform: 2.3m.


Pouring platform, working platform and optional trailing platform.


By crane.


AluStar, StarTec, StarTec XT, Mammut 350, Mammut XT.

Special Features
Locking formwork

Concrete pressure absorption via inclined support of the formwork and wall support of the climbing brackets into the anchorage – and thus into the previously concreted component.


KLK can be versitaly used as working platform, formwork scaffolding and climbing formwork.


Suspension shoe with +/- 3cm clearance.

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