
MEVA blogs discussing industry topics and addressing the issues facing the formwork and falsework industry, as well as providing tips and advice on working within the formwork construction industry.

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MonoWall saving time and labour

New monolithic formwork system shows its strength on a Caribbean project MEVA has entered the Caribbean market in recent years. Numerous successfully realised construction projects in several of the island states prove that economical, variable and efficient formwork is...

Fundamentally simple

Doing away with residual gaps in formwork using the compensation plate. Who is not familiar with this? When forming foundations and floor slabs, gaps remain between the formwork panels. These residual gaps must be compensated for by means of...

Cost-effective hand-set solution

With three monolithic formwork systems, MEVA supports the economical and fast construction of residential and commercial buildings. MonoFix, MonoDec and MonoWall bring great efficiency to construction sites, as they are easy to use and can be adapted to any...

New: AluFix Column Panels

User-friendliness and flexibility are the hallmarks of MEVA’s successful AluFix hand-set formwork system. Its wide-ranging applications, with crane-free deployment for casting foundations, walls, even floor slabs, have now been further extended: 150 and 300 cm tall AluFix column panels...

1,500 applications with only one facing

alkus facing in figures 1 alkus all-plastic facing can be used more than 1,000 times and sometimes even more than 1,500 times. 7 years: The long-term warranty on alkus provides end users with a high level of planning security....

How to install formwork without a crane

Busy construction hotspots can often be identified from the number of cranes that dot the horizon. For many projects – particularly large or high-rise buildings – a crane seems a necessity. However, there are many situations where a crane...

Slab formwork design 2.0 with BIM²form

The design and construction of horizontal formwork are often given lower priority in CAD applications, without satisfactory automation. In tandem with its partner BIM², MEVA is looking to tap still-unexploited potential in order to boost the efficiency of building...

When effort pays off

What do you do when you know that your processes can be more efficient, but a tool doesn’t exist for your area of work? For Sajid Mahmood, MEVA UK’s MAC Design Manager, the answer was to teach himself a...

Reduce, reuse, repair, recycle: a sustainable approach for formwork

According to the Global Alliance for Buildings and Construction (GABC) – part of the United Nations Environment Programme – 38% of the global carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions in 2019 were attributed to the buildings and construction sector. Of these, 10% were a...

Celebrating our female engineers

Diversity and inclusion is one of MEVA’s core values and something we feel very strongly about. To celebrate our female engineers, we spoke to Rochelle Belaro and Sunshine Panem, both of whom are Junior Formwork Designers in MEVA UAE...

What is the most sustainable formwork?

As the construction industry strives to be more environmentally friendly, an increasing amount of importance is being placed on the sustainability of the materials that are used. In terms of formwork, the main choices are plywood (timber), plastic-faced formwork,...

The benefits of BIM for formwork

Digitalisation has been advancing rapidly within the construction industry as the technological landscape has changed. One of the major changes has been the adoption of Building Information Modelling (BIM). BIM can help construction companies control costs, collaborate, and construct...

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