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Slab Formwork


Adaptable to suit every building geometry

The conventional slab formwork

MevaFlex is a tried-and-tested, conventional slab formwork with facings, cross beams and girder stringers on props or shoring towers. Economical, flexible and efficient, you can trust its durable and robust design to get the job done.

Unrestricted by modular dimensions, MevaFlex plays by its own rules. All geometric constructions can be created, saving on materials, effort and costs. The positioning of the beams and props is not predefined, and can be optimised in accordance with the slab thicknesses during the planning phase. The system is therefore suited to all sorts of applications in varying building layouts as well as slabs of every length, width and thickness.


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Why not call our team on +91 22 27563430

Flexible even for large surface areas

High degree of efficiency with only three components

  • Prop with forked prop head
  • Formwork girder H20 or aluminium girder stringer
  • Facing

Girder stringers and cross beams

  • Independent of grid pattern


  • Can be freely selected from MEVA’s range of props and shoring towers

Pays for itself after just a few applications

Proven track record
MevaFlex is the ideal solution to support prefabricated slabs.

For more detailed technical information please refer to the download tab which contains PDF information about this product.

Technical Information

H20 beams (wood), props and other parts made from steel.


Grid Independent.

Drophead Stripping



Props, Fork Head, tripod, facing panel, h20 girder for stringer and joist.


3S, alkus or alternatives.


EuMax props, ME props, MEP props.


Railing clamps.

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